Saturday, June 24, 2006

World Cup Predictor - Final Results

Fifa World CupPlease excuse the slight delay, I am currently in Stuttgart, on the eve of the England game, and the place is going ballistic. England fans are arriving in their thousands before the game, and of course, the Germans are amassing in the square in their thousands for today's big game against Sweden. At the moment, everyone is drinking plastic Steins (2 litres) of premium export-strength lagerbier (picture your measuring jug in the kitchen, and you've pretty well got it). They are currently fronting up to each other in a friendly way .. let's see what 8 hours sustained drinking and 30 degrees heat does to the mix!

Anyway, on to the final leader board. Congratulations to Mo, Rob B, Ginny and Richard, who all take the money. Not sure on the Goals total, but will post that as soon as I find out. Bry will let you all know about your money presently. The esteemed wooden spoon goes to Ben, who still scored over 100 points, so 'respeck' due all round.

To turn on/off the leaderboard listing, click here.

Place Name Points GTD
1 Mo 175 104
2 Rob B 171 97
3 Ginny 150 99
4 Richard 150 108
5 Mike 148 85
6 Jimi 147 91
7 Jon R 147 130
8 Tim 143 97
9 David O'L 139 127
10 Andy H 135 111
11 Bryan 134 107
12 Jenny 132 119
13 Matt H 132 116
14 Nigel 131 122
15 Tony 131 139
16 Patrick 130 86
17 Joerg 129 98
18 Mick 127 101
19 Keith 126 112
20 Ian R 125 99
21 Kirk 124 79
22 Bob O 122 192
23 Rick 122 131
24 Jon L 117 135
25 Morne 117 141
26 Naomi 117 117
27 John B 115 132
28 Aaron 112 118
29 Ija 112 113
30 Sean B 112 112
31 Ian H 109 126
32 Mucka 107 101
33 Paul B 107 113
34 Steve H 105 138
35 Ben 103 119

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

WC Predictor (as of Wed 21st 10pm)

Fifa World CupTwo day's updates today, on account of getting home well late last night, and in a deeply drunken stupor. Yesterday was ground-breaking in that 6 people scored over 20 points, topped by a magnificent 27 from David O'L.

Today was different, the scores were much lower. No one experienced this contrast more than Nigel. Yesterday he scored 22 points, and today he scored an unfortunate 0. No contrasts for Mystic Mo, who scored 19 points on both days. This awesome consistency has extended his lead at the top to 13 points. Still catchable, but only if others score heavily when he doesn't. We're gettng near the finish now. Just two more days

To turn on/off the leaderboard listing, click here.

Actual Goals To Date = 97

Place Name Points GTD
1 Mo 162 82
2 Rob B 149 81
3 Richard 136 89
4 Mike 130 71
5 Ginny 127 83
6 Bryan 124 91
7 David O'L 121 106
8 Jon R 121 112
9 Jimi 120 72
10 Tim 119 83
11 Patrick 113 73
12 Andy H 112 94
13 Matt H 111 91
14 Nigel 111 107
15 Bob O 109 160
16 Ian R 109 82
17 Kirk 109 69
18 Jenny 108 97
19 Mick 108 77
20 Tony 107 114
21 Keith 106 91
22 Naomi 104 98
23 Joerg 103 82
24 Jon L 102 114
25 John B 99 103
26 Paul B 97 90
27 Rick 97 109
28 Morne 94 119
29 Mucka 92 82
30 Aaron 91 101
31 Ija 91 96
32 Sean B 90 95
33 Ben 89 99
34 Ian H 85 102
35 Steve H 77 110

Top 100 Movie Posters

Jaws PosterThis site's great. This man has rated his Best Movie Posters of all time.

The Jaws poster (left) is at number 8 in the list of 100. I believe it should be higher that that, cos the completely unrealistic size of the shark's head compared to the naked girl swimmer really whipped up audience expectation when the movie came out. Plus I own the poster, and have it hanging in my study. No bias. Honest.

Thanks to JWalk.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Puzzle Bowling

puzzle bowling A clever little game. Drag puzzle pieces to hit all the pins on the board. 26 levels from easy to very hard! Click and drag groups of puzzle tiles to shift them. Hit the pins with the same colored balls as their platform. Hit the trophy with the black ball at the end of the level. You can drop up to four balls per level.

Thanks to Ursi.

WC Predictor (as of Mon 19th 10pm)

Fifa World CupTony is today's maximum scorer with 24 points, another set of unbelievable predictions. Mystic Mo managed to get another good tally with 19 points, and levels up with Rob B at the top, following his fantastic score yesterday.

Everybody got some points today though, which is nice.

To turn on/off the leaderboard listing, click here.

Actual Goals To Date = 75

Place Name Points GTD
1 Mo 124 69
2 Rob B 124 65
3 Ginny 108 66
4 Mike 101 54
5 Richard 100 72
6 Mick 96 64
7 Bryan 95 69
8 Jimi 94 58
9 Bob O 93 128
10 Tony 90 92
11 Nigel 89 85
12 Andy H 86 75
13 Tim 86 64
14 David O'L 85 87
15 Jon R 85 90
16 Matt H 85 75
17 Naomi 85 80
18 Ian R 84 68
19 Kirk 83 59
20 Patrick 82 60
21 John B 81 83
22 Rick 80 87
23 Joerg 77 62
24 Ben 75 76
25 Mucka 75 62
26 Jon L 74 95
27 Jenny 73 85
28 Ian H 72 86
29 Paul B 72 74
30 Aaron 71 84
31 Morne 71 98
32 Ija 68 79
33 Sean B 68 76
34 Keith 67 75
35 Steve H 62 88

Be John Terry

John TerryThis cool little game has you pitting your wits as John Terry against a range of different defences in the World Cup.

Top Tip, read the instructions on this one.

Thanks to Kukla.

WC Predictor (as of Sun 18th 10pm)

Fifa World CupWell, who could have predicted all of today's results? France drawing to South Korea? No goals between Japan and Croatia? .. Rob B, of course. He had a blinder, predicting all three games exactly, scoring a maximum 24 points, and managing to knock Mystic off the prized Kingpin position. Who also scored heavily? Kirk! Yes, the king of the random scoreline scored 19 points, and in so doing moved himself up 16 places .. it's clearly a game of two halves.

The vast majority incorrectly guessed that Asia would have a bad day, i.e. that France would prevail against the plucky Koreans, and Japan would also lose to Croatia. As such, these two individuals made massive gains against others.

I'm smarting cos the ref denied France a goal that did cross the line, and denied me 8 points .. plus, following some good-natured pasting, Kirk is now above me in the table. Humble pie is duly eaten.

To turn on/off the leaderboard listing, click here.

Place Name Points GTD
1 Rob B 118 56
2 Mo 105 61
3 Ginny 101 60
4 Mike 98 50
5 Richard 94 69
6 Bryan 86 61
7 Mick 82 56
8 Bob O 81 116
9 Jimi 80 51
10 Nigel 80 77
11 Tim 80 62
12 Naomi 79 72
13 Matt H 78 68
14 Ian R 75 63
15 David O'L 74 80
16 Kirk 74 51
17 Patrick 73 54
18 Andy H 72 68
19 John B 72 78
20 Jon R 71 84
21 Jenny 70 82
22 Mucka 69 60
23 Aaron 68 79
24 Paul B 66 71
25 Rick 66 80
26 Tony 66 82
27 Morne 65 93
28 Joerg 63 56
29 Sean B 62 72
30 Ben 61 69
31 Keith 61 67
32 Jon L 60 87
33 Ija 59 71
34 Ian H 58 77
35 Steve H 56 81

Sunday, June 18, 2006

WC Predictor (as of Sat 17th 10pm)

Fifa World CupYesterday was a good day, with 3 entertaining games (which makes a change), and Deco further confirming my view that this World Cup will have more spectacular goals than any other. Whether it's this new ball, or that the defences of all countries, even the so-called 'lesser' nations are good enough to force more long-range efforts .. who cares, it's great to watch. "Mystic Mo" is still way out in front (good to see you yesterday fella), with Rob B moving up from 10th to 2nd. There's still plenty of time yet, even Kirk's managed to move off the bottom .. plenty of time to end up drifting back down there.

To turn on/off the leaderboard listing, click here.

Place Name Points GTD
1 Mo 96 56
2 Rob B 94 52
3 Mike 90 42
4 Ginny 89 54
5 Richard 86 65
6 Bryan 83 51
7 Bob O 78 104
8 Tim 77 54
9 Mick 76 47
10 Naomi 76 61
11 Nigel 72 68
12 Matt H 71 60
13 Patrick 70 47
14 Jimi 69 44
15 John B 69 67
16 Jon R 68 73
17 Mucka 68 54
18 Jenny 67 74
19 David O'L 66 71
20 Aaron 64 69
21 Ian R 64 55
22 Rick 63 69
23 Tony 63 71
24 Morne 62 82
25 Sean B 62 64
26 Andy H 61 62
27 Joerg 60 49
28 Paul B 60 62
29 Ben 57 62
30 Keith 57 58
31 Ija 56 61
32 Jon L 56 79
33 Kirk 55 45
34 Ian H 54 69
35 Steve H 52 72

Friday, June 16, 2006

England 2 Trinidad & Tobago 0


Wow, what a night. some of the guys at work were confident we'd put 4 or 5 past Trinidad and Tobago, but I was fairly sure that we wouldn't. I even suggested that it would be 0-0 at 80 minutes, and that it would end up as a nail-biting affair, similar to the German game.

On that matter, I had a conversation with Joerg, my German chum, and he said that when the Oliver Neuville goal went in 2 minutes from the final whistle, the whole of Stuttgart started several hours of mayhem partying. You see, when you coil up a spring that much, it justs launches itself with more energy.

Some time later, I ended up on a train, after several more export strength lagerbiers, and everybody was in celebratory mood. Then this photographic gift came up (see photo). The Right Reverand was reading the late edition of the Evening Standard, the one that graces the streets of London before normal people wake up. He very genially agreed to pose for the photo. What a time to find your scoring touch, Crouchy. What a headline, what a game.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

World Cup Predictor Leaderboard

Fifa World CupHere are the standings after the lucky German late winner, and Mystic Mo is still way out in front, with Bob O coming up closely behind him (!).

To turn on/off the leaderboard listing, click here.

Place Name Points GTD
1 Mo 62 34
2 Bob O 55 68
3 Mike 53 28
4 Jimi 52 29
5 Naomi 52 35
6 Richard 52 41
7 Bryan 50 33
8 Ginny 50 34
9 Tim 49 35
10 Rob B 48 32
11 Matt H 47 40
12 David O'L 44 45
13 Nigel 43 44
14 Morne 41 52
15 Ben 40 39
16 Patrick 40 32
17 Ian H 39 42
18 John B 39 40
19 Tony 39 43
20 Rick 38 40
21 Paul B 37 40
22 Jenny 36 51
23 Aaron 35 44
24 Andy H 35 43
25 Joerg 35 35
26 Jon R 35 52
27 Jon L 34 53
28 Sean B 34 42
29 Keith 32 34
30 Mick 32 31
31 Ian R 31 33
32 Ija 31 38
33 Kirk 31 27
34 Mucka 30 36
35 Steve H 30 43

Friday, June 09, 2006

Film Review: Da Vinci Code

Da Vinci CodeIt was a movie that had to be made, really, One of the biggest literary phenomena of modern times, a book challenging core values and beliefs in the Christian faith, which has dominated all the bestseller lists. Hollywood needed to release it - it needed a big lead actor (in this case Tom Hanks), and the two biggest French stars on the planet (Audrey Tautou and Jean Reno), and it needed to have a big name director. Someone who could take a massively familiar story, and spin it out on film.

I don't blame Ron Howard for taking this - but he was on a hiding to nothing really. The central core of the book is the revelations on the bloodline of Christ and the representation of the feminine within Christian doctrine. And therein lies the problem. Whereas the book could tease out a little more of the theory a bit at a time, under the backdrop of a police hunt and a race against time, the film struggles to establish its identity. At times the music gets a bit racy and i feels like a thriller. Then you have massive periods of down pacing where the talkie theoretical bits are. It all adds to a disjointed feel - a detailed faithhful teling of the bok, but not a great movie.

Howard does not ask much of his actors either - the screenplay has to fit so many fatual details in that there is no latitude given to character development. As such, Hanks is wooden, the wonderfully talented Tautou is underused, and Jean Reno never gets out of first gear. Paul Bettany plays the only really interesting character, but as a man-robot following Opus Dei directions, he is asked to suppress his emotions, until a little flourish at the end. An actnig masterclass it is not. Perhaps the most disappointing outcome of all this is that th lead pair have absolutely no chemistry at all. I mean, they even snogged in the book. But with all the plot to cram in, there was no space allowed to develop their fondness for each other.

In other areas, everything was competent, without being great. The score was ok, the editing was ok, the direction solid. the only thig that stood out was the lighting; in the many churches filmed, the lighting and camera work was excellent. But coupled with mediocre acting, wooden performances, and a disjointed pacing, the film serves only as a faithful, if soulless reproduction of the book, and all the poorer for it. 6/10