Monday, April 30, 2007

Desktop Bluesman

BluesmanThis is pretty cool. Fancy a short distraction from work? Check out the Desktop Bluesman.

You can select to have a radio on, playing a basic blues lick as an accompaniment, and you then pick what guitar and vocals you want your bluesman to play. Get the timing right, and it sounds brilliant, if not obviously uplifting.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Cool T's

Cool DesignNow, anyone who knows me knows that I love my Tee's. but I was blown away by this site, Threadless T-Shirts.

What makes it different is that it takes a community approach to T-Shirt designs. You submit a design, and people get to vote on it, and also say whether they would buy it. When the voting is finished, winners take home a couple of grand, and also get their designs published.

What a great idea for generating new cool designs. I was particularly blown away by the standard of the designs on show. To look closer at the design shown above, click here.