Monday, August 07, 2006

50 best movie endings

Sites like this soak up my attention. Lists are classically a boy thing (generally attributed to the slightly autistic characteristics that most males exhibit), but this list is also on movies, one of my perpetual distractions. The list of endings starts with 50 and works down to the top one. Most make perfect sense.. of course, unless you're go a fantastic memory, it'd be difficult to think of any others that fit the bill.

What's also heartening is that he hasn't taken the easy way out by just picking movies where the good guys always win in the end (e.g. Magnificent Seven, Jaws etc), but has picked surprising or astonishing endings. I would have put the Fight club ending number one though. Just thinking about those skyscrapers being bought to earth while The Pixies "Where is my mind" plays in the background makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

Human Space Invaders film

Space InvadersThis is one of those rare web stories that made me laugh out loud. Complete nutters. Using Stop-frame animation, and several friends to act as "pixels" sitting in various cinema seats, the guy has made a human Space Invaders. Just when you think he's done enough to prove a point, i.e. by wiping out one complete wave of invaders, yet another appears, and is also wiped out. Again an impressive effect.

Starry starry night

starry starry night"..paint your palette blue and grey, look out on a summer's day with eyes that know the darkness in my soul." Don MacLean's Vincent of course, and about Vincent Van Gogh, describing his famous painting.

Well, this guy recreated his famous painting using only Lego pieces. He took a clear image from the Web, and Photoshopped it to break it into little squares. Then he needed to source the bricks needed to put together his masterpiece, which was a challenge, because he very quickly ran out of green pieces (since only 12 are provided in a normal pack). The final result looks quite effective... even if it's something you'd never actually put in your home.

Fixing Dark or Light Photos

Photoshop screenA useful video explaining how to correct overly light or dark images within Photoshop. I already had a way of doing this, using the levels adjustment, but I had never seen the Colour Range Selection tool before. Very useful, and easy to use as well.