Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A New Testcard?

Kate in Skid RowRecently Kate and Wills went to Canada and North America as a married couple. This photo was on the BBC website, covering the story of how they visited Skid Row, a particularly deprived area of Los Angeles, and worked with the children on arts projects.

This picture reminds me of the old BBC testcard from years ago; this is from a time when TV was not 24 hours. There were only 3 channels, and every night the BBC would finish around midnight to the tune of God Save The Queen (you couldn't make it up). At that point all you could see would be the white dot, something parodied in the Young Ones, when alternative comedy was emerging phoenix-like from the ashes of sexist & racist comedians of the working-mens' club circuits in the UK.

Thanks to the BBC



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