Friday, September 21, 2007

Incredible Picture

CamilleAllenThis is not what it seems. This is a picture of a miniature doll, made by 25 year old Canadian Artist Camille Allen. The dolls are made of resin or clay, and are then painted to bring out their little wrinkles and imperfections. Most of them are now sold out, and mainly exist in private collections. As such they are now worth a fortune, even though they were first available on eBay for £65.

Oops, he did it again

john-mccririckClassic case of really getting it wrong... for many years, Channel 4 racing correspondent John McCririck was seen as an affable fool. He epitomised the slightly deranged eccentricity that makes us proud to be British. Then he started getting some more airtime, and we all began to realise that he really is a nasty, despicable man.

He appeared on the TV show Celebrity Big Brother, and his mysoginist homophobic views came over pretty quickly, particularly when talking to fellow housemate, and lifelong feminist Germaine Greer.

Some of his classic quotes in the house include:

"The best thing is for men to go out with ugly girls because they're grateful for what they get."
"Every time you fart, or flatulate, or whatever, you live another 10 minutes. You're getting the poisons out of your body."
"Picking your nose is really healthy, and eating it. Mine's very tasty."
"Always fly club class, never fly cattle truck."

Well, now he's gone and done it again. He was appearing on Alan Titchmarsh's chat show alongside Ingrid Tarrant, who was married to Chris Tarrant. McCririck attacked her to the point where an unusually furious Alan Titchmarsh asked him to leave.

Ingrid recently gave an interview claiming that her ex was bad in bed. Her revelations angered McCririck, who said: "You had a cheek to say that he smelt of vindaloo and fish and chips in bed, what's wrong with that? You're such a ghastly woman. You can't be any good in bed, that's why he strayed away. All I can say is poor old Chris Tarrant, look at what he had to work with if he was bad in bed."


Thanks to Gosh and What's On TV.

Google Earth Flight Sim

googleearthThis is pretty cool. Someone, while using Google Earth, stumbled upon this tremendous Easter Egg. By pressing Ctrl-Alt-A (or Ctrl-WindowsKey-A for Windows PCs), a heads-up display appears, and you can then buzz over any terrain on the planet.

For those wondering how you control the plane, Google does provide a useful guide to control keys.

Thanks to Autopia

SatNav Signs

satnavsignIt has finally happened. With the rise of in-car Satellite Navigation systems, it has been noticed that certain routes take drivers down inaccessible or impractical roads.

In the village of St Hilary in South Glamorgan, lorry drivers had repeatedly followed their SatNav advice, and driven down a road that was too narrow for them, culminating in their bloking the narrow road for several hours at a time. Finally, the exasperated villagers appealed to the Welsh Assembly to put up a sign urging lorry drivers to ignore their SatNav (left).

You can see pictures of the road in question here.