Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Luminous Landscape

Bangladeshi GirlThis is a great website by Mike H Reichmann on all things photography.

There's also a contributor called Mike Jonhstons who does a weekly Sunday essay, and I really like his writing style. In this article, he talks about why the word "pro" in photography terms is a kind of Holy grail, highlighting the differences between pros and amateurs, thus:

 After having thought about the matter for two decades, here are the first principles of what actually, in my opinion, distinguishes pros from the the rest of us:
  • They shoot a lot more.
  • They edit a lot better.
There is also a whole section on the site with tutorials on taking better shots on editing digitally with Photoshop, for example, some assignments to entuse you, and of course, some of his photos, like the one above.



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