Thursday, February 26, 2004

Book Crossing

Book Crossing LogoWhat a great concept for a web site! The BookCrossing web site suggests that when you've finished your old books, you free them to the world for someone else to read. Of course this already happens; I lend my fave books to friends, and they return them when they've finished.

But what if you didn't want the book back? It's only sat on your bookshelves doing nothing anyway, right? Set it free, leave it somewhere for someone else, but when they pick it up, they will enter the fact on the web site, allowing you to track where your book is gone, after you've released it to the wild.

The site offers all the labels you'd need to release books, so that people can log it for you.

"It's also a fascinating exercise in fate, karma, or whatever you want to call the chain of events that can occur between two or more lives and one piece of literature."