Friday, April 25, 2003

The Mirror Project

genie in a lampI've just submitted the photo on the left to a site called The Mirror Project. The site encourages people to submit pictures of themselves reflected in objects. The picture on the left was taken at Lakeside at Frimley Green (UK residents may have heard of it as the home of the World Darts Championship!), and while walking round the water, noticed a large outside lamp resting on the ground.

Aware of the site, it was too good an opportunity to miss. Another good feature of the site is that people in the art world are approached to become "curators". Then, given a theme (e.g. "in the shower"), the curator collects together some chosen piccies depicting the theme. The gallery is then posted. Although the pictures submitted must be small, there are some really high quality shots. The site was recently nominated in the Webby Awards for the most notable web sites this year.