Las Vegas diary - Part six

Friday was good fun - I met Phil at work, and afterwards we joined his mate Jeff at his second leaving do this week. This was held at Artisan hotel on the edge of the strip. This place is classy (in its own opinion, anyway), with lots of artwork around the place, and a saxophonist playing just loud enough to make conversation noisier than it needs to be. Even the toilets had works of art in them.
Well Jeff was pretty loaded, and had to leave early, so we all left around 9ish. A small group of us then went on to our favourite Road Runner bar, where we stayed until around 2.30am. I woke up early again, as I have every day on this trip, and watched some college football till Phil emerged at around noon.
We had to nip into work quickly to finish what Phil had started the night before, and then we bought a ticket for the cinema. We then went for a quick couple of beers and a game or two of pool, then watched Serenity (review to follow). We were planning to head out towards Charlston as quickly as possible, a place with fantastic views, but since the traffic was horrendous, and the sun was fast fading, we didn't quite make it.
We got about as far as Red Rock, and took some photos there, which have come out ok. We then headed towards near Art's house (one of Phil's mates), and went from some Mexican (the best yet), and then wandered over to Sedona (pictured), a genuinely up-market bar. After a good few in there, we headed back, with only some packing left to do before flying this afternoon. We did manage to grab breakfast in the Sunset Station casino, which was delicious (and voluminous, as pretty much all the food has been all week).
So it was with some sadness that I left today, as I had a fantastic week, and Phil has been brilliant company, as has everybody I've met this week. I only hope it's not as long next time before I come back.
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