This is a great idea. Using the Wikepedia database, the clever guys at Omnipelagos have devised an engine that looks for the chains of relationships between things.
"Each chain is displayed along with a short text fragment which provides context. It can be used for fact-finding, brainstorming, or just plain fun."
Of course, when you try it, you find that you will end up trying out quite a few more links, and suddenly all your time has gone. One might think that in light of recent falsehoods told over the Iraq war, that Tony Blair and Judas Iscariot may have an obvious link. However, the link I like ties Judas to Bertrand Russell, to the Fabian Society, then onto Tony Blair.
Of course, time-consuming relationship engines aren't new. There is of course, the legendary Oracle of Bacon at Virginia University. This permits you to look for the links between movie stars and Kevin himself. The number of links in the chain is presented as a "Bacon Number". It is actually incredibly difficult to find a high Bacon Number, on account of the fact thet Kevin Bacon has appeared in loads of movies, with loads of different people. (But of course, it's fun trying)
If you want to open up the search a little, there's always Star Links, which allows you to link any star to another, whether through movies or TV.
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