Thursday, January 13, 2005

We are not amused

Herr WindsorThe thisislondon site reports today that Prince Harry has provoked outrage after being pictured dressed as a Nazi soldier at a fancy dress party. The story broke in The Sun newspaper, which describes how Harry attended the party in Wiltshire dressed in the desert uniform of Rommel's German Afrika Korps. The Sun, of course, takes a typically forthright view in it's Sun says column.

A week after he was photographed with his brother helping the Red Cross with tsunami aid packaging he makes this regrettable gaffe. This isn't the first time Harry has attracted media attention. Back in October, he was involved in a nightclub fracas, when he had a scuffle with a photographer. He managed to escape without a caution on that occasion.

While it must be a pressure having to mind your p's and q's, there's no shortage of royal embarrassment. The Queen this morning is reported to have stated, at a palace reception, that she thought Londoners didn't really support the London Olympic bid, and that she thought Paris would win it! But this is nothing compared to Prince Philip's handsome collection of inexcusable gaffes, including the time he asked a Scottish driving instructor: "How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?" Classic.


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