Friday, April 18, 2003

White Stripes out-selling Robbie

White Stripes Monkey Boy The band the music press are proclaiming "the world's best band" are currently outselling Robbie Williams with the release of their latest album Elephant, according to the NME this week.

Robbie's Album Escapology has sold steadily since its release, but has been usurped following the White Stripes album release last week, accompanied with some UK dates, most notably at Wolverhampton and Brixton.

A typical review sits on (of all places) the BBC site, and says:

And it's all so divinely confident, so f**k off sexy. In that sense it is better than the first three albums (which weren't exactly meek). Whatever they say in public I think this is a band which loves being loved, almost as much as they love making music - and they like that quite a lot.


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